1. Check if your card gets ordered automatically
You can find information about how the card is ordered for the larger Swedish universities here. Here you can see if you will get the Mecenat card automatically or if you need to apply.
How do I get a Mecenat card at my university?
2. Otherwise, contact us
If your university/school does not order their students Mecenat cards, do the following:
University students
- Download a Registration Certificate from Ladok. Read how here.
- Submit the certificate with your application. Apply here.
Under "personnummer" enter the personnummer on the certificate. If you do not have one, just type four zeroes (0000) as the last for digits, i.e. YYMMDD0000. - Note - submit the original Ladok PDF (not screenshots, jpg:s etc) gives a much quicker processing time.
Other students
- Get a Registration Certificate (registreringsintyg) or Study Certificate (Studieintyg) from your school (or ask your school to contact us).
- Submit the certificate with your application. Apply here.
Under "personnummer" enter the personnummer on the certificate. If you do not have one, just type four zeroes (0000) as the last for digits, i.e. YYMMDD0000.