You access your Nation membership card via the Mecenat app. How you access it depends on wether you already have a Mecenat account or not and wether you are a registered student or not (a support member "stödmedlem").
First semester - visit the nation to get authorized
The first semester you are member of a nation you need to visit the nation in person to get your membership authorized. After you have done this the Nation Membership card will be ordered.
If you already have a Mecenat account
When you have become a member of a nation Mecenat is informed about this and you can log in to the Mecenat app as usual.
- If Mecenat has received information that you are an active student this semester you are logged into the Mecenat app as a student and will have access to all the normal student discounts as usual.
- If Mecenat has not received information that you are an active student the app will instead switch to being a Mecenat Alumni app. You will be able to access the Alumni discounts and you can find the Nation membership card in the menu.
If you do not already have a Mecenat account
When you have become a member of a nation Mecenat is informed about this.
- If Mecenat has received information that you are an active student this semester you will receive a welcome email from Mecenat with a link to create an account. Then download the Mecenat app and log in and then you will have access to the student discounts and the Nation membership card.
- If Mecenat has not received information that you are an active student then you need to go to the site Create an account here. Then download the Mecenat app and log in. The app will switch to Mecenat Alumni and will give access to the Mecenat Alumni discounts and the Nation membership card. If Mecenat later receives information that you are a student the app will switch to Mecenat Student automatically.