KTH - All students receive a digital Mecenat card automatically
KTH orders a digital Mecenat card for all students. Your card is ordered at the start of the semester after you have registered for your courses.
Your personnummer with Mecenat is the same as the one you are registered with in Ladok.
Information about how to get started is sent in an e-mail to the e-mail address you have registered in Ladok. If you have not received a digital Mecenat card within 1-3 working days after course registration - check your junk mail folder first and then your Ladok registrations.
If you still have not received the digital card, download a registration certificate from Ladok and send it to us by contacting us here.
THS - Student union membership on the Mecenat card
Mecenat is updated by THS when you become a member. Your KTH Mecenat card is then upgraded to THS the next working day. You may have to restart the app to get the card picture to update with the new information.
Tekniska högskolans studentkår
Digital card at once
- Your digital card is created within one working day after KTH has ordered it (often the same day).
- You can find the digital card and the app here.
- If you have Swedish Mobilt Bank ID or an old Mecenat account you can access the digital card at once, otherwise see below.
Email the next day or letter after two weeks
- If we have your email address, you will receive an email from us with information on how to get started with the digital card. The email arrives the morning after the card is created.
- If we do not have your e-mail address, we will send a letter to your home address with information on how to get started with the digital card. You have it in the mailbox within 2 weeks.
SL - Check your Mecenat card before traveling with student discount!
The SL logotype on your card is governed by your Ladok registrations. If you are updated in Ladok it should show on your card the next working day. If the card does not update you may have to restart the app.
More information on the SL discount can be found here (in Swedish).
PhD students - The Mecenat card is ordered based on Ladok registration
The card is ordered when you have become registered with activity in Ladok. If you have not received your digital card, check that you are registered in Ladok for the current semester or contact your PhD administrator.