The Mecenat card - ordered automatically for Student union members
If you are a member of the student union NTK they will order a Mecenat card for you. Your card is ordered after you have become a member and have registered for your program/your courses,
You become a member of the student union here: Umeå Naturvetar- och teknologkår
Digital card at once
- Your digital card is usually ordered within one working day after you have become a member.
- You can find the digital card and the app here.
- If you have a Mobile Bank ID or an old Mecenat account you can access the digital card at once, otherwise see below.
Email the next day or letter after two weeks
- If we have your email address, you will receive an email from us with information on how to get started with the digital card. The email arrives the morning after the card has been created.
- If we do not have your e-mail address, we will send a letter to your home address with information on how to get started with the digital card. You have it in the mailbox within 2 weeks.
Not a member of the student union?
Your Mecenat card is not ordered automatically so you need to download a registration certificate from Ladok and apply for a Mecenat card here.